Melindas Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce 148ml
Melinda’s Scotch Bonnet.
The fiery but sweet cousin to our traditional Habanero pepper sauce, with papaya and passion fruit to balance the intense West Indies heat. Made the Melinda’s way: with whole, fresh ingredients and the best peppers on the planet for people who care about those kinds of things. Superb in Bloody Mary’s and bloody well everything.
INGREDIENTS: Scotch Bonnet pepper mash (water, Scotch Bonnet pepper), white vinegar, carrots, salt, papaya pulp, lime juice, onion powder, citric acid, xanthan gum, passion fruit pulp, garlic, ascorbic acid, turmeric powder.
Melinda’s Scotch Bonnet.
The fiery but sweet cousin to our traditional Habanero pepper sauce, with papaya and passion fruit to balance the intense West Indies heat. Made the Melinda’s way: with whole, fresh ingredients and the best peppers on the planet for people who care about those kinds of things. Superb in Bloody Mary’s and bloody well everything.
INGREDIENTS: Scotch Bonnet pepper mash (water, Scotch Bonnet pepper), white vinegar, carrots, salt, papaya pulp, lime juice, onion powder, citric acid, xanthan gum, passion fruit pulp, garlic, ascorbic acid, turmeric powder.
Melinda’s Scotch Bonnet.
The fiery but sweet cousin to our traditional Habanero pepper sauce, with papaya and passion fruit to balance the intense West Indies heat. Made the Melinda’s way: with whole, fresh ingredients and the best peppers on the planet for people who care about those kinds of things. Superb in Bloody Mary’s and bloody well everything.
INGREDIENTS: Scotch Bonnet pepper mash (water, Scotch Bonnet pepper), white vinegar, carrots, salt, papaya pulp, lime juice, onion powder, citric acid, xanthan gum, passion fruit pulp, garlic, ascorbic acid, turmeric powder.