Valentina Hot Sauce Black Label 370ml
Valentina Black 370ml.
Very hot chilli sauce with spices.
We love this sauce, it's great on taco chips with a little lime.
Water, dried puya chilli pepper, acetic acid (E260), idiozed salt, seasonings, spices and sodium benzoate (E211)
Valentina Black 370ml.
Very hot chilli sauce with spices.
We love this sauce, it's great on taco chips with a little lime.
Water, dried puya chilli pepper, acetic acid (E260), idiozed salt, seasonings, spices and sodium benzoate (E211)
Valentina Black 370ml.
Very hot chilli sauce with spices.
We love this sauce, it's great on taco chips with a little lime.
Water, dried puya chilli pepper, acetic acid (E260), idiozed salt, seasonings, spices and sodium benzoate (E211)